Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Movie Date
So last night my thing….whatever he is…..I am not sure actually…..he is the person I hang out with, watch sports with, watch TV with, get drunk with and like to see nude allot and have been shagging now for a while…..I have been contemplating a name for this person, I mean he has one of those but it would not be fair to use it in this forum…..I don’t like to use the term “boyfriend” it seems weird after I had a “husband” and now that I’m old, plus it implies certain things about our relationship which I am not sure are true… I like the term “lover” it seems exotic and a little bit sexy, but then he is also my mate, and has been for many many years so it kind of sounds wrong.

I think I will call him The Hot Man. He is hot, I think so anyway and he is a man, and this statement is non-committal (which I like) makes not statement of possession or expectation (again, tick, tick) and, I hope, would be interpreted by him as a complement, which it is.

So The Hot Man and I decided on an early film last night, we had been up late the night before and I had some movie passes that needed to be used before they expired so thought we would go to the Jam Factory and see State of Play . If you are reading this and you thought you might go and see it, it’s the new Russel Crow/Ben Affleck film and its pure shit, we both hated it.

We got to the cinema nice and early, movie started at 6pm and there was nobody there to take our tickets. On leaving the cinema there were still no staff to be seen but by this stage a very sizable crowd had gathered on the lower level as they lined up for their tickets for the later timeslot.

The Hot Man was walking down the stairs just in front of me and banging on about how I take so long in the bathroom, which is a little odd really, it’s a public bathroom so its not like I took War & Peace in for a session, a quick twinkle and I was out of there. But as we stepped down my newly healed shoe caught on the metal stripping on one of the stairs and I took the tumble of a lifetime.

Of course this was I am sure very amusing to those who were lining up to get their tickets for the late movie session however it was excruciatingly painful for me. The Hot Man was wonderful and caring and tried to get me to sit on the step (no way- germs) and was holding me and extremely concerned about what injuries I had sustained. The blood started and the jeans were torn and the panic set in. he was helping me down the stairs and trying desperately to get a napkin from a café. He patched me up, took me to the fish n chip shop, got me some salmon and we went home.

That was basically where the sympathy ended, because you see the TV went on and the fish and chips came out and so did a beer. So I hobbled around and got myself a salad and ate my salmon and tried in vain to stop the bleeding.

I certainly don’t want it to sound like I am making The Hot Man out to be uncaring and unsympathetic; it’s not that, I think he just loses interest to be honest. In immediate crisis he is gold, but then the shine fades from that crisis and it’s not longer interesting for him.

So after a bike fall a few weeks back where I fractured my knee I now have a massive bruise on the knee that is fractures and have sliced my other knee open on the metal bit on the step. It fucking hurts and I want to stop falling over like an old woman. Especially when I am actually completely and utterly sober!

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